Monday, May 9, 2011

In need of Cash ...FAST!

You ever look in your closet and think..."Wow  have a lot of stuff "or maybe"I have nothing to wear but a closet full of stuff." Either way I'm sure we all have stuff in our closets that we don't wear all the time. Well here's a way  to revamp your closet. You can either rent out some of your purses or shoes and even clothes to your friends or  sell them. I know I've let friends borrow bags and shoes and I've even bought stuff from a friends closet. A few ways to get stuff sold is to have a little selling party or post things on Facebook or Twitter. Be sure to have your prices set that way people can't talk you out of your money. Try to have reasonable prices, remember your goal is to make a few bucks and have a good time while cleaning out your closet.

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