Hi everyone!!! I hope everyone enjoyed their summer...sadly it has come to an end. I'm going to make this post some what brief but delightful. I know it has been a while since I had my last post. Well now I'm going to catch up on what all I have been doing. So I recently graduated from Georgia Southern University.GO EAGLES!!

Since then I have had a lot of time of my hands to figure out my next move. Let's just say I spent a lot of my days sleeping and watching old reruns of 90210 and Veronica Mars. During that time I also discovered a new hobby/ talent of mine and that was jewelry making. I always wanted to try making jewelry so I figured why not, I had plenty of time now. So before I started anything I would go on Pinterest to get ideas and how to tutorials. I started off by making glass bead bracelets. I made one and then that turned into twenty. My mom had told me that the bracelets were very nice and that I should try to sell them. So she took some to work and sold some to her co-workers and her friends. Next thing you know it went from bracelets to earrings and even necklaces. I made a good little amount of money off of my jewelry. I do plan on continuing to make jewelry and selling it so please be on the lookout for more updates about that.

Also during that time I was looking for a job. Being a college graduate at home got old to me and I needed to be out working somewhere. I was thankful enough to have been offered a position with this company called Ideeli (the company I interned for this past Spring).They offered me an entry level position as a Outbound Samples Coordinator. So I packed up and moved back to New York!
On the way to New York!! |
the lovely view from our corporate office @ New York Times Building |
In that role I am responsible for sending the samples back to the vendors or our warehouse long story short. I have now been working for two weeks now and I really enjoy joy it. Now that my life seems some what stable, I'm on the hunt for an apartment in New York...pray for me! Also I will be volunteering at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week again. So my next post will be relating to that and my other adventures around the city. Like I said this was going to be brief I'll have another post soon!!
**P.S. If you have purchased jewelry from me or would like to please email me at
ashlea.symone@gmail.com so I can create a email list for updates!! I have a lot of new stuff coming :)
Awesome! I wish you continuous growth, joy and endurance along this new journey. Shine bright :)