Happy Holidays!!! I hope everyone is enjoying time with loved ones, all the food and festivities. Like the title of this post SEASONS GREETING, this post is about welcoming the new seasons that are coming our way in this new year. Whether you want to make a change about yourself or be more focused this coming year, it's all up to you. We all have things we want to do differently but lets try and keep it to ourselves i.e. (NO FACEBOOK POST ABOUT THE NEW YOU) you said the same things last year. We have to hold ourselves more accountable before we expect others to. Nobody can do anything for you because they don't want the satisfaction and results as much as you do because they don't understand your reasoning behind it. Like most people a lot of us have typical goals like: lose weight, eat healthy, save more money. Usually these last for like a few weeks or month. Lets be different !!! How about, I'm going to: TRAVEL , TRY NEW FOODS, FIND A NEW HOBBY, FIND A MENTOR OR BE A MENTOR... etc.
Image from : http://www.pinterest.com/pin/49187820904158852/ |
If you're very indecisive like me, you can take slips of paper and write down bunch of things you want to do in life. Please do not limit yourself to a year. Put all your ideas in a jar and every month pick out a slip and go do that thing. Be sure to save that slip so you can later write down your favorite part of that activity or idea so you can look back on it. This is my twist on a memory jar. (A memory jar is where you write down moments that you enjoyed/ don't want to forget throughout your year. Place them in a jar and at the end of the year you sit and read everything that's in your jar.) You'll look back and think I can't believe I did all of that!!! I will be doing the same and sharing my different experiences with you all here on my blog, don't hate me if I don't have a post everyday. I do have a full time job...sorry in advance lol.
I went ahead and made my own jar (pictured below). As a fun group activity, you can invite friends over and have a jar making party/ get together with drinks. It took me 10 mins to make my jar, very simple. I cut out a few things from a magazine and taped it to my jar for decoration. ( You can make/decorate your jar if you want, not necessary. Also you can use any type of paper you want to write your goals/ adventures on.)
Supplies: 2 glass jars (used pasta sauce jars)
Magazines Tape, Scissors Post-It notes |
"Just like the puzzle pieces, I'm adding new
pieces everyday to complete my puzzle
INSPIRED: A series that discovers beauty through inspiration. |
***Tip: I write on the back of the post it note so that way it's easier to stick together (pictured on the left). Also I used the bigger jar as my pull jar ( middle picture). On the left above it the picture of my first memory for 2015!! You can add ideas to the jar as often as you would like!!
I hope you enjoyed this post and will possibly make your own jars. Live 2015 without restrictions...more love and laughter!!!
I'm so doing this with you!! I love it 😊